
Created by: Emma Johnston

Last Updated: January 18, 2024

Abandoned Cart Sequence

An abandoned cart sequence is when someone has filled out the first step of the two-step order form but didn't complete the payment step. This allows you to follow up directly with them with the communication of your choice.

Abandoned Cart Template


We have already set up a abandoned cart workflow template that you can clone.

1. Go to Automation > Workflow and clone the Abandoned Cart workflow. In the popup window, enter a name for the new form and press Create to confirm.

2. Click on the Trigger and add the filter In Funnel/Website and select your funnel.

3. Edit the email and press Save.

4. In your purchase automation workflow, click on a plus to add an action step and select Remove From Workflow.

5. Select the option for Another Workflow and select your abandoned cart workflow from the dropdown list.

Create a Custom Workflow


1. Click on Automation > Workflows and click the blue + Create Workflow button in the top right of the screen.

2. On the next screen, select Start from Scratch. Once in the workflow builder, at the top of the page, you can rename a workflow using the pencil icon next to the title.

3. Click Add New Workflow Trigger and select Two-Step Order. In Add Filters, choose In Funnel and select your funnel. Click Add Filter, choose Submission Type, and then select Optin.


4. Click the + to add a new event to the workflow and select Wait. Add a time to wait, such as 1 hour (this gives them time to complete the sale before the campaign sends them the message).


5. Click the + to add a new event and select Send Email or Send SMS.

6. Add the from name, from email and subject line. Within your message, add a link to the sales page with a call to action such as "did you forget something?".

7. Add any other required steps.

8. Toggle on Publish and press Save.


Create a workflow that adds a tag when the contact successfully purchases their cart item. This will be the tag that the other workflow checks before sending the email.

1. Click on Automation > Workflows and click the blue + Create Workflow button in the top right of the screen.

2. On the next screen, select Start from Scratch. Once in the workflow builder, at the top of the page, you can rename a workflow using the pencil icon next to the title.

3. Click Add New Workflow Trigger and select Two-Step Order. In Add Filters, choose In Funnel and select your funnel. Click Add Filter, choose Submission Type, and then select Sale.

4. Click the + to add a new event to the workflow. Use the drop-down menu to select the choose Remove from Workflow. Select Another Workflow and choose the abandoned cart workflow (from steps 1-8).

5. Add any other required steps.

6. Press Save and toggle on Publish.

Online Store Abandoned Cart


If you are using the Store feature, you can set up a automatic abandoned cart email.

1. Go to Payments > Settings > Notifications.

2. Choose with the default email or select an existing Email Template.

3. Choose a timeframe for the email to send after.

4. Press Save to finish.


1. To create a custom Email Template, go to Marketing > Emails > Templates

2. Press the + New button and select Blank Template.

3. Edit the name of your template and add your email footer (from Saved Items) and your logo.

4. Add text to your email and use the eCommerce options from Custom Values.

5. Complete your email and press Save Template to finish.

Online Store Abandoned Cart


If you are using the Store feature, you can set up a automatic abandoned cart email.

1. Go to Payments > Settings > Notifications.

2. Choose with the default email or select an existing Email Template.

3. Choose a timeframe for the email to send after.

4. Press Save to finish.


1. To create a custom Email Template, go to Marketing > Emails > Templates

2. Press the + New button and select Blank Template.

3. Edit the name of your template and add your email footer (from Saved Items) and your logo.

4. Add text to your email and use the eCommerce options from Custom Values.

5. Complete your email and press Save Template to finish.

Join us in-person for the Coach Catalyst SuperCoach Summit being held on August 24 - 25 in Reston, VA.

CLICK HERE for more details. Use code SUPERCOACHCRM24 to get a $50 discount.

If you have any questions or need support, you can either chat with us clicking on the blue dot in the bottom right corner of the software or you can email us at [email protected]. The support desk is available Monday to Friday, 7:00am - 3:00pm (CDT).

The support desk will be operating with reduced hours from August 20 - 22 and will be closed on August 23 and August 26.