Funnel Templates

Created by: Emma Johnston

Last Updated: November 10, 2024

Project Request (Free Program)

We have completed your project request. We have set up your branded funnel and added mock up images, branded your client guides, and set up your workflow and confirmation emails.


Here a quick overview of the tasks you need to complete:

  • Task 1 - Edit all three pages in your funnel (including updating the start date, editing the About Me section, adding testimonials, and changing the copy to match your offer and target audience)

  • Task 2 - Add your favicon and select the correct chat widget for your funnel

  • Task 3 - Create a subdomain/URL for your funnel

  • Task 4 - Edit form (if required)

  • Task 5 - Edit the confirmation email

  • Task 6 - Add Coach Catalyst program information to the workflow

  • Task 7 - Complete test form entry and final checks (at least five days before you launch)

We would actually recommend completing tasks 2 - 7 first, and then going back to complete task 1.


We have branded your funnel and added mock up images. You will need to edit the funnel content. Click here for more information about using funnels and click here for more information about funnel elements.


To access your funnel, go to Sites > Funnels, open the Project Requests Funnels folder and select the funnel (or use the search bar or Recents tab).

Funnel Landing Page


1. Select the landing page and click Edit.

2. Work through the landing page and reword the content to match your services, what's included in your program and the pain points/needs of your client. You may also want to resize the width of your logo (leave the height attribute blank).

3. Next, update the About Me section and add client testimonials in the spaces provided.
4. For longer sales pages, update the FAQ section and money back guarantee.

5. Press the Save button regularly while making changes and press Publish when complete.


While our funnels come fully populated, it is imperative that you customize the copy to align with your target audience's specific pain points and needs. Neglecting to tailor the content may lead to subpar sales results, as generic copy often fails to resonate with potential clients. Conversely, when your clients see themselves reflected in the copy and feel that their specific needs are being addressed, they are much more likely to make a purchase.

For the FAQs, use this section to tackle common concerns that might prevent a sale and address any potential sales objections. Avoid repeating information already covered on the main page; instead, focus on answering specific questions and concerns that might arise during the decision-making process.

For the money-back guarantee, use this section to give your buyer an extra layer of confidence, making them feel secure that their purchase is risk-free.

Funnel Confirmation Page


1. Click on either the Pages icon in the top menu bar or the page title to change to the confirmation page.

2. Work through the confirmation and reword the content to match the next steps that you want clients to take after completing their purchase.

3. Press the Save button regularly while making changes and press Publish when complete.

Funnel Opt-In Page/Popup

The form for your funnel will either be on the landing page in a popup window or it will be a separate page.


1. Click the either the Pages icon in the top menu bar or the page title to change to the opt-in page.

2. Work through the opt-in/sign-up page and update the offer stack.

3. Press the Save button regularly while making changes and press Publish when complete.


1. From the landing page, click on Popup Settings in the top menu bar.

2. To change the layout of the popup window, click the blue Open Popup Settings button at the top of the window.

3. To make changes to an element in the popup, first click on the element and then work through the options in the settings menu.

4. Press the Save button regularly while making changes and press Publish when complete.



1. If you wish to changes to the form, click on the form in the funnel editor. In the right hand panel, click on the blue Edit Form button. This will open a new window. You can also access this section from going to Sites > Forms > Builder and selecting your form.

2. Make any changes needed to fields/wording and press Save Form to finish.

Click here for more information on editing forms.

Chat Widget and Favicon

ADD CHAT WIDGET AND FAVICON (new from September 2024)

1. Go to the funnel dashboard and click on the Settings tab.

2. Open the Chat Widget drop down and select the correct chat widget.

3. In the Favicon URL box, type in custom_values.favicon surrounded by double braces/curly brackets (as shown in the image below).

4. Press Save when finished.

Click here for more information about creating different Chat Widgets.

Funnel URL

CREATE A FUNNEL URL/SUBDOMAIN (new from September 2024)

1. Go to Settings > Domains and click on the blue + Connect Domain button in the top right corner.

2. Enter your chosen subdomain (such as or in the Domain URL box and click Add Record Manually to continue (NOT the blue Continue button).

3. In the next window, click Verify Records to continue. There may be up to a 30 second delay while this processes.

4. Lastly, on the next page, choose the correct funnel and select the landing page.

Once created, you will only need the part up to the .com when sharing the link (as highlighted in the image below).


If you have run a particular challenge/program before, you can use the same domain again. The easiest option is to delete the domain and readd it using the instructions below. This will clear the domain from the previous funnel and ensure the default page is set to the new funnel.


If there are marketing emails for the program you are running, go to Settings > Custom Values and add the URL. For more information, go to the Marketing Emails help article for your challenge/program.

Sign Up Automations

We have created an automations that fires when someone signs up. For programs, this usually tags the contacts, sends you a notification email, sends them a confirmation email and adds them to Coach Catalyst.


1. Go to Automations > Workflows, open Project Request Workflows folder and select the workflow.

2. Open the trigger at the top and check the filters for the funnel/form matches with your program.

3. Open the Assign to User [Edit] action step and select the main team from the drop down list.

4. Check the Add Contact Tag and Send Internal Notification steps to see if you want to make any additional changes.


5. Open the Send Email Confirmation [Edit] step. Change the subject line for the confirmation email and check the correct email template has been added.

6. Hover over the template preview and click on Edit. This will open a pop-up window where you can edit the email.

7. Make the required changes as necessary. To edit the appearance of the text, click on the text and the editing toolbar will appear at the top. To add your company footer, click on the Saved Items tab and drag your footer to the bottom of the email (and delete the existing footer).

8. Press Save when complete and then press the X in the top left corner to close the window.

9. Press Save Action to return to the workflow.

Click here for more information on using the email builder.

NOTE: If you cannot see the Save button when editing emails within the workflow, change the zoom level of your browser to 90% or 80%. You can also access the emails in Marketing > Emails > Templates, which will give you a full window view.

Coach Catalyst Automations


You need to let SuperCoach CRM know which program to add your clients to in Coach Catalyst. You need to copy the program name, community and resource folder information in Coach Catalyst and paste it into the workflow step. You also need to add a start date/day.

In the workflow, there are also two steps that relate to Coach Catalyst that you must not edit. The Clear Previous Custom Fields step clears any previously populated fields in SuperCoach CRM to ensure the correct information is used. It does not affect anything in Coach Catalyst.

Click here for more information on using workflows.


1. In SuperCoach CRM, open the workflow and click on the blue Coach Catalyst Information [Edit] step.

2. In a second tab, open Coach Catalyst.


3. In Coach Catalyst, select Programs. Copy the name of the program that you want to add the contact to.

4. In SuperCoach CRM, go to the workflow and paste the name of the program into the Coach Catalyst Program field.


5. Enter your start date into the Coach Catalyst Start Date field, using the format YYYY-MM-DD.

You can also start clients immediately, the next day or a specific day of the week. Click here for more information.

The Coach Catalyst start date might not be the same as the official start date as your program, as you may be additional welcome days or prep days. Choose the date that you want Day 1 in the program to start on.


6. In Coach Catalyst, select Communities. Copy the name of the community that you want to add the contact to.

7. In SuperCoach CRM, go to the workflow and paste the name of the community into the Communities field.


8. In Coach Catalyst, select Resources. Copy the name of the resources folder that you want to add the contact to.

9. In SuperCoach CRM, go to the workflow and paste the name of the folder into the Resource Folder field.


10. Once complete, toggle on Publish and press Save.

If you also want to add a Client Tag to the contact in Coach Catalyst, you can add that as an additional field in the Coach Catalyst action step in the workflow.


If you do not want to add the client to a program, click on the Trashcan icon next to both the program field and date field. If you do not want to add the client to a Community or Resource Folder, click on the Trashcan icon next to that field. You do not need to add contacts to the general community or to auto-assign folders, as they are added automatically.


Click here if you would like more information on using programs, communities or resources in Coach Catalyst. If you need any help with your Coach Catalyst account, email [email protected].



Once you have completed your edits, you will need to test the funnel. Open your funnel and complete the opt-in form. We recommend testing your funnel at least three business days before you launch.


If have any questions or find any issues when testing the funnel, contact the support desk (either by clicking on the blue dot in the bottom right corner of the software or emailing [email protected]). Please allow up to two business days for a resolution to your question/concern.

NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure everything is working as expected and to ensure that you have allowed enough time before launching your product for us to correct any issues. Please remember, if you email with an issue on Friday afternoon, or on a weekend day, it could potentially take until Tuesday afternoon for the problem to be fixed.

Troubleshooting Coach Catalyst Errors


When testing your funnel, if your client is not added to Coach Catalyst, go to the workflow and click on the Enrollment History tab to see if that contact was added to the workflow. If not, then there is an error with your workflow trigger (or the workflow is still in draft mode, not published).

Next, click on the Execution Logs tab and check if all of the action steps were executed. If any have failed or been skipped, click on More Details to learn more.


If the contact has been added to the workflow and all of the workflow actions were successful, then there is an issue the information that you have added to the Coach Catalyst Information [Edit] step. Head to your email inbox and check for the error email from Zapier. This will give you more information on what information is missing or whether there is a mismatch between the information that you have entered and the information in Coach Catalyst.

The information in the workflow must be an exact match to the information in Coach Catalyst. If you have believe you have copied the program name, but are experiencing an error, there may be a rogue space after the program name. To check this, open the program in Coach Catalyst and double click the program name.

NOTE: If you change your program start date or program name, you need to update the workflow (otherwise the automation will fail).

Additional Tasks and Optional Extras


If you want contact's to agree to your terms and conditions before purchases, you can toggle on Enable Terms and Conditions in the Advanced Settings of the Order Form. Click here for more details about how to enable this.

COOKIE CONSENT (Required for some countries)

Depending on where you operate and where your website visitors are from, as you are collecting data when someone signs up, you may need a cookie notice. Click here for more details about how to add cookie consent to your funnel.


If your program has a set start date, we recommend creating a countdown time in Marketing > Countdown Timer for your event. You can then replace the existing funnels timer and add a countdown to your final emails.


If you want to offer a discount, such as an early bird offer or a member discount, you can create a coupon in Payments > Coupons. Click here for more details about how to create and use coupons.


If you want to schedule your promotional posts, go to Marketing > Social Planner. Click here for more details about how to use the Social Planner.


Don't forget to update your Instagram links page! Go to Sites > Funnels and select your Instagram Links funnel. Clone an existing button and edit the button text and URL at the bottom of the left hand panel.


You could also create a Smartlist in Contacts for people who have joined/signed up for the program or resource. You can either set the filter as the challenge tag or the purchase automations workflow. Click here for more details about how to create a Smartlist.

If you have any questions or need support, you can chat with us clicking on the blue dot in the bottom right corner of the software or email us at [email protected].

The support desk is available Monday to Friday, 7:00am - 3:00pm (CDT).

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