
Created by: Emma Johnston

Last Updated: July 03, 2023


Workflows are a visual builder that automate tasks (or a sequence of tasks). Once you get the hang of workflows, the possibilities are endless!


Click on Automation > Workflows to go to the Workflow Dashboard page. There is information on when a workflow was created and when it was last updated. There is also information on the workflow Status (published or draft), Total Enrolled (the total number of people who have been added to the workflow), and Active Enrolled (the number of people currently in the workflow).

You can search workflows and folders by name using the Search Box. You can filter by Draft or Published by clicking on the Filters button in the top right corner. You can also toggle between List view or Recent view by clicking the options to the left of the search box.

You can change page by clicking on Next (or Previous) in the bottom right corner, if you have several workflows.


To edit an existing workflow in the existing tab, either click on the workflow name or click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Edit Workflow. If you want to open the workflow in a new tab, select Open in a New Tab from the ellipsis menu.


To delete an existing workflow, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Delete. Type CONFIRM in the popup window and press Delete to confirm.


To clone an existing workflow, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Duplicate icon on the right hand side. In the popup window, enter a name for the new form and press Copy to confirm.


Workflows can be paused and resumed anytime by switching back and forth from Published to Draft mode. Pausing a workflow will temporarily stop the actions from firing off in a workflow until it is republished. To change the status of a workflow, either toggle between Draft/Published in the workflow builder or click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots).

Workflow Folders


You can use folders to keep your workflows organized.

1. To create a new folder, click the white Create Folder folder button in the top right corner.

2. Give the folder a name and press Create.


To delete a workflow folder, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Delete. Press Delete to confirm.


To rename a workflow folder, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Rename Folder. Enter the new name and press Rename to confirm.


To move a workflow to a folder, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Move to Folder. Select the folder that you want to move the funnel to and press Move to confirm.

You can also type in the box to search for a folder. If that folder doesn't currently exist, you will be given the option to create a new folder.


By default, all account team members who have permissions to access workflows can access to view, create and edit any workflows within any folder. If you want to restrict access of a particular folder to account admins only, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Manage Permissions. Press Update to confirm.

Click here for more information about general user permissions.

Create a Workflow


1. Click the blue + Create Workflow button in the top right of the screen.

2. Choose an option for the type of Workflow you wish to create. To create a blank workflow, select Start from Scratch.
You can also choose from pre-existing β€˜recipe’.
3. At the top of the page, you can rename a workflow using the pencil icon next to the title.

By default, you’ll be on the Builder page. You can click to toggle between Builder, Settings, Enrolment History, and Execution Logs tabs.

NOTE: The system will allow you to have duplicate workflow with the same name, but we recommend that you name each one uniquely so as to not get confused, particularly if you need to select the workflow from a dropdown list elsewhere in the system.


The Workflow Trigger is the event that will initiate the sequence. You can have multiple triggers fire off the same chain of events. These work on an either/or basis. Note that not all workflow need a trigger (as contact might be added as part of another workflow or might be added manually).

1. Click the Add New Workflow Trigger in the grey box at the top of the builder.

2. Choose a Workflow Trigger from the right hand panel/menu (or use the search box). There are fifty possible triggers to choose from including appointments, contact information changes, tag changes, form submission, funnel payments and invoice payments, trigger links, messages, membership events, Facebook lead ad and TikTok forms, and video tracking.

3. Click Add Filters to customize the trigger filters (for example, if you have chosen Form Submitted, you will need add a filter to specify which form). You may need to add additional filters (for example, if you have chosen Order Form, you will need to add at least two filers to specify the funnel and the submission type).

4. Click Save Trigger to add the trigger to your workflow.

TOP TIP: We recommended renaming the Workflow Trigger Name so that it easier to understand the workflow when you refer back to it at a later date.


1. Click on a + to add a new event to the workflow.

2. Choose an action from the right-hand menu. There are fifty possible triggers to choose from including sending texts and emails, updating tags and contact fields, adding contacts to a pipeline stage, granting access to membership products,

3. Customize the action in the menu on the right.

4. Click Save Action to add the action to your workflow.

TOP TIP: We recommended renaming the Action Name so that it easier to distinguish between similar steps and understand the workflow when you refer back to it at a later date.


Regularly save your workflow by pressing Save in the top right corner. When complete, toggle the workflow from Draft to Publish mode to activate it.


Testing a workflow is a simple way to check that everything is working as intended. It’s also a great way to do a quality check on what you’re about to send out as testing will also allow you to see what your contact will receive and check how everything looks.

You can test your workflow by clicking the Test Workflow button in the top right corner. selecting a contact and pressing Run Test, but we recommend testing the workflow by actually doing the action that triggers the workflow.

If the workflow has Wait steps, you can push through the steps. Click here for instructions on how to push a contact.

Step Actions


To edit an existing action, click the action step and update in the information in the right-hand panel. Press Save Action to close.


1. To copy a workflow step, hover over the step you want to copy and click on the three dots in the top-right corner.

2. If you want to copy one step, select Copy Action. If you want to copy all actions from a specific point, click Copy All Actions from Here.

3. Click on Copy Here at the location where you want to add the copied action step(s).


1. To move a workflow step, hover over the step you want to copy and click on the three dots in the top-right corner.

2. If you want to move one step, select Move Action. If you want to copy all actions from a specific point, click Move Actions from Here.

3. Click on Move Here at the location where you want to add the copied action step(s).


To delete a workflow step, you can either click the action step and select on Delete in the bottom left corner of the popup side panel or you can hover over the step you want to delete, click on the three dots in the top-right corner, and select Delete > Delete Action.

Workflow Settings


Once you have set up the workflow, click on the Settings tab. If you want the contact be able to go through the workflow more than once (or you are testing a workflow), ensure Allow Multiple is toggled on. If your workflow contains email steps, you can complete the Sender Address information here (which means you won't need to add it to each Send Email step).


  • Allow Re-entry– If Allow Re-entry is toggled on, the same contact can re-enter the same workflow once it has left this workflow. If the contact attempts to re-enter while it is still enrolled in this workflow, it will get skipped. Also if this workflow has appointment or invoice based triggers it will allow contacts to re-enter even if the 'Allow re-entry' setting is disabled.

  • Stop on Response – If Stop on Response is toggled on, the workflow would end if the contact responds to a message that is sent from this workflow.


  • Timezone - Choose whether you want the wait step and time window executions to be based on the Account Timezone or Contact Timezone.

  • Time Window – If you want to restrict actions from being sent outside the window you define, toggle on Specific Time. From here, you can customize days and start and end times. When selected, actions will only execute if they fall within the specified time window; they will wait for the next available window if they are outside. Wait steps can schedule for outside of the window, but the next action will only fire inside of it.

  • Sender Address – Gives your emails a default from name and from email address. You can override this by setting from name and from email in the email actions themselves.

  • Mark as Read – If Auto Mark as Read is toggled on, conversations will show up in the ALL tab as read (rather than going straight to the unread tab).

Workflow Enrolment History Tab


The Enrolment History tab will show you history of all the contact who have entered the workflow. You can filter by date, event and contact name. You can see the date enrolled, the current action, current status and when the next action will execute (if applicable).

To see the full execution log for a specific contact, click on the History icon in the right hand column.

Workflow Execution Logs Tab


The Execution Logs tab will show you a complete breakdown of all completed actions by all contacts. It gives you information about the contact and which actions have been completed (and when).

The status column will show whether the action was successful (executed), skipped, or unsuccessful (failed). For wait steps, it will show whether the contact is waiting or whether the wait has ended.

If an action step has been skipped or failed, you can click on the Clipboard icon it the right hand column to find out more.

Push or Delete

There may be instances where want to speed up a workflow and bypass wait step for a contact. For example, you may want to test the workflow steps instantly for yourself, without waiting for the scheduled wait step.


To force an individual contact to the next action step in the workflow, go to the Enrolment History tab and click on the Push Contact icon in the Actions column.


To delete an individual contact from the workflow, go to the Enrolment History tab and click on the Delete Contact icon in the Actions column.


To force all contacts on a particular wait step to the next action step in the workflow, click on the contact count in the bottom left corner of the wait step and click on the Walk icon in the right-hand panel.


To delete all contacts from a workflow that are on a particular wait step, click on the contact count in the bottom left corner of the wait step and click on the Trashcan icon in the right-hand panel.

Other Workflow Options


The If/Else workflow condition allows you to take different paths, or chains of events, depending on specific conditions within the workflow. You can specify the path based on contact details, date/time, contact reply, or trigger, you can set up the various paths. For example, you may want the workflow to send people with a certain tag down one path, and people from another tag down another path. You can further customize the if/else conditions to include several filters if you wish.


The Go-To event allows you to jump from one part of a workflow to another. If you have an If/Else step in the workflow, you can jump from one branch to another if the second branch starts to duplicate the steps of the first branch. You can also use it to create a loop.

1. Add a Go To action step at the end of a branch and press Save Action.

2. A glowing green dot will appear on the Go To step and dark green dots will appear on all the other steps.

3. Either hold and drag the glowing dot to the required step or just click on the dark green dot on that step.


The Math Operation action step allows you to perform arithmetic calculations (add, subtract, divide and multiply) to a numerical field or date field. This might be useful for updating a Lead Score based on contact actions or starting a contact on a Coach Catalyst program a certain number of days after they have joined.

1. Click the + to add a new event to the workflow and select Math Operation.

2. Select either a standard field (such as current date or date of birth) or select a custom field from the dropdown list or search for the field by name. Click here to learn more about creating custom fields.

3. If the field is numerical, select the operation (add, subtract, divide or multiply) and enter a value. If the field is a date, select the operation (add subtract) and enter a time period.

4. Choose the field to be updated. This might be the original field or a new field.

5. Click Save Action.

Email and Message Statistics


Navigate to the Actions tab. Click on email or messaging action in the workflow and change to the Statistics tab in the right-hand panel to see statistics for delivered, opened, clicked, and replied.

You can click View Details for more information and click the tabs at the top of the popup window to change between the information. Next to each name, there is an open icon that you can click to jump to the relevant contact details page.

If you have any questions or need support, you can chat with us clicking on the blue dot in the bottom right corner of the software or email us at [email protected].

The support desk is available Monday to Friday, 7:00am - 3:00pm (CDT).

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