
Created by: Emma Johnston

Last Updated: January 18, 2024

Calendar Dashboard


Click on Calendars > Calendar Settings > Calendars to view existing calendars and groups. The dashboard shows the calendar name, group, duration, status (active or draft) and date updated. You can search calendars by name using the Search box.


You can filter calendars by Status (all, draft, active), by Group, or Calendar Type. Once filters have been selected, click Apply (or Clear).


Click here for information about how to create a calendar.


To edit a calendar, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Edit. Once the edits are complete for each section, press Save.


To clone a calendar, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Duplicate. Enter the new information on each section and press Save.


To move the calendar to a different group, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Move to Group. Select the group from the dropdown list and press Select (or cancel).


If you want the calendar URL, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Share. Select the Scheduling Link tab and press Copy next to either the Scheduling Link or Permanent Link.

If you are sharing the link, the scheduling link has a more user friendly URL. Note that if you update the custom slug in the calendar settings, the previous URL will no longer work. If the link is being added to a button (such as a website or ad), the permanent link can be a better choice as it unaffected by slug changes and remains constant.

You can also generate a One Time Link that expires after a booking, ensuring controlled access.


If you want to embed an individual calendar on an external website, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Share. Select the Embed Code tab and press Copy (and then add paste that code to another website). If you want to embed the calendar on a SuperCoach CRM website or funnel page, this can be added directly as an element.


If you want to embed an individual calendar on an external website, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Copy Embed Code (and then add paste that code to another website). If you want to embed the calendar on a SuperCoach CRM website or funnel page, this can be added directly as an element.


To activate/deactivate a calendar, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Activate Calendar/Deactivate Calendar. Press Save (or cancel).


To delete a calendar, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Delete Calendar. Press Delete to confirm (or cancel). Please note that this will also delete all its appointments and cannot be undone.

Calendar Groups

Grouping calendars can be useful when you want to display multiple calendars to a client (you will have seen this type of layout when booking calls with SuperCoach CRM). It can also be helpful if you want to trigger the same workflow for multiple calendars.


To access calendar groups, go to on Calendars > Calendar Settings > Calendars > Groups. You can search groups by name using the Search box.


If you haven't already, you need to create a group for your set of calendars.

1. Click on Create Group to create a new calendar group.

2. Enter a name and description for the calendar group, select a template type (Classic or Neo) and create a custom calendar link (a unique slug for the URL associated with this calendar).

3. Press Create to save.


To edit a group, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Edit. Once the edits are complete, press Save.


To delete a group, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Delete. Press Delete to confirm (or cancel).


To rearrange the appearance on your calendars in a group, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Rearrange Calendars. Press and hold down the left mouse button on the two grip lines icon next to the calendar name and drag it to a new position. Once complete, press Save.


To activate/deactivate all calendars in a group, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Activate/Deactivate All Calendars in Group. Press Save (or cancel).


If you want the calendar group url, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Copy Scheduling Link.


If you want to embed a group calendar on an external website, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) and select Copy Embed Code (and then add paste that code to another website). If you want to embed the calendar on a SuperCoach CRM website or funnel page, this can be added directly as an element.

Creating a Calendar


We have already set up a calendar group in your account and created an example calendar in your accounts that you might prefer to clone and edit.


1. Click on Create Calendar.

2. Select a Calendar Type from the options available (either Simple Calendar, Round Robin, Class Booking, or Collective Booking) and press Select. We recommend choosing Round Robin (rather than Simple Calendar) for one to one calls and appointments.

3. Choose the calendar group from the dropdown list and press Select.

4. Enter a calendar name and select the required team members. You can add a calendar description by click on + Add Description.

5. Add a custom URL (such as businessname/calendarname) and set a meeting duration.

6. Set the booking availability for the calendar press Confirm to finish.

To edit further settings, such as calendar location, color, logo, date range, buffer time, etc, click on Advanced Settings.

Advanced Settings


Here you can edit the calendar name, calendar description and custom URL. You can also change the calendar group.

  • Calendar Logo - Add a logo or photo to your calendar. Either select Click to Upload or drag and drop the image. We recommend uploading an image where the width and height are equal (as in a square image). Once uploaded, you can choose whether the image is displayed as a square or circle. There is also the option to remove the logo.

  • Meeting Invite Title – Add the title for the calendar event that will show in your calendar. This is also how it will appear in the calendar of the person making the appointment, you might want to include your company name.

  • Appointment Distribution – If you assign more than one team member to a calendar, you will need to set the appointment distribution. For Optimize for Availability, you need to change their priority (so the system will choose team members with high priority where available). Optimize for Equal Distribution adds appointments in a sequence, starting at the top of the list of team members and working its way down.

  • Select Team Members – Add the user(s) by clicking on + Add User and selecting the required user(s) from the drop-down list. Set their priority level and a meeting location (such as Zoom, Google Meet, phone, gym address or custom location). You can select only one Appointment Owner for a Class Booking calendar.
    If you want to enable contacts to choose a particular staff member when booking, this option can be found in the Customizations tab.

  • Event Color – Choose an event color that the appointment will have in your calendar.


Set your availability for the calendar here as well as meeting duration and scheduling notice. Note that both user hours and office hours need to available for the calendar to display appointments.
Click here for more information of setting up user availability.

  • My Availability - Choose from Standard or Custom. First, select the days that appointments are available. Next, amend the times that appointments are available (add + Add Time to add more time intervals within a day). Select Copy to All to copy hours for the rest of the days selected.

  • Recurring Appointments - Toggle on Recurring Appointments if you want the appointment to be recurring. You can then select the repeat interval, the number of times to repeat, and what to do if slots are not available.
    Click here for more details.

  • Meeting Interval - Set the amount of time the between booking slots that will be shown in the calendar

  • Meeting Duration – Set how long the appointment will be.

  • Scheduling Notice – Set minimum scheduling notice (time to be notified before an appointment so you have time to prepare meetings etc) and date range (select how far ahead the availability shows so clients cant book too far in the future).

  • Appointment/Seat Availability – Set appointments per slot (how many clients can attend the appointment) and maximum appointments per day. For Class Booking calendars, choose the number of attendees you'd like to have at each class.

  • Buffer Duration - Set the time between appointments.


Choose the calendar form, add guests and take payment.

  • Form Settings – By default, clients will be asked for their name, email address, and phone number. If you want different information, select Custom Form. If you are using the default form, you can choose to toggle on sticky contact.

  • Consent Checkbox - To ensure compliance with GDPR and A2P 10DLC regulations, forms will display a checkbox to obtain consent from contacts when they provide their phone number during the appointment booking process. You can edit/customize the wording in the box underneath.

  • Add Guests - Toggle on Add Guest if you want to allow your contact to add other attendees to the same appointment (available on Simple and Round Robin Calendars). Email notifications will be sent to all participants, including the primary attendee and their guests, but only the original contact can cancel or reschedule the appointment.

  • Confirmation Page – Either add a form submission redirect URL (if you have a confirmation page) or add a thank you submission message (type in the box here if you want something different than the default message).

  • Facebook Pixel ID (Optional) – There is an option to enter a Facebook Pixel ID. This is particularly useful, for example, if the calendar is linked to a Facebook ad.

  • Payment – Toggle on Accept Payments, if required. Enter the amount, currency, and description. Toggle between test mode and live mode. Payments are currently unavailable for calendars with recurring turned on. To set up an automatics receipt for calendar payments, go to Payments > Settings > Receipts. Click here for more information.


Configure notification and additional options

  • Notification Options – You can configure the appointment acknowledgement emails and who to send it to (contact, assigned user or custom email). As it is not possible to customize these emails, we recommend using Workflows to notify clients.

  • Google Calendar - Choose whether you want Google calendar to send invitation or update emails to attendees.

  • Assigned User – Choose whether to assign contacts to their respective calendar team members each time an appointment is booked (or skip assigning contacts if the contacts already has an assigned user).

  • Reschedule and Cancellation - Choose whether you want attendees to be able to reschedule or cancel.

  • Additional Notes – By default, the system adds contact information and a link to reschedule and cancel to the calendar appointment notes. These can be edited as required.


Set widget style and other preferences.

  • Calendar Cover Image - Upload a calendar image which will be visible when viewing a calendar group page.

  • Widget Type - Choose from Neo or Classic (we recommend Neo). Neo is the only option available for Class Booking calendars and for calendars where Staff Selection is enabled.

  • Calendar Colors - Select a Primary Color (for buttons, dates, time slots, and actions) and Background Color.

  • Button Text - Customize the text displayed on the button when booking an appointment.

  • Staff Selection - If you would like to enable the option for contacts to choose a specific staff member while booking an appointment, toggle on All Staff Selection During Booking. All team members who are part of the Round Robin will be visible for the appointee to make a selection.

  • Custom Code – Copy your Calendar CSS code into the Custom Code box if required.

Recurring Appointments


All calendar types support recurring appointments. Recurring appointments can be useful for appointments that happen on a regular schedule, such as weekly meetings or monthly check-ins.

1. To set a recurring appointment, go to the Availability Tab of your calendar and toggle on Recurring Appointments.

2. Select the Repeat Interval (daily, weekly, monthly or custom) and the number of Times to Repeat (up to 24 times).

3. Select what to do if slots are not available. You can choose to Skip Booking Unavailable Slots (book ONLY the available slots and ignore the rest), Continue Booking (and then set the appointment status for overlapping slots), or Book Next Available Slot (book the reoccurrences irrespective of how far out in the future the calendar needs to scout for the available slots).

Notes: Only until the next 3 slots for availability are checked. If these three are all unavailable, the slot is not listed on the calendar booking widget. Users cannot bulk update Recurring appointments (cancel or reschedule).

If the meeting location is Zoom or Google Meet, all recurring appointments will have different meeting URLs as the system generates a dynamic meeting URL for each meeting by default.

For recurring appointment reminders, the workflow trigger filter must be set to recurring or any (not normal)

Class Bookings


Go to Calendars to see and manage class bookings. To cancel a class booking, open the appointment and click Cancel All. To reschedule the meeting, click Reschedule All, which would reschedule the appointment for all the attendees.

To cancel or reschedule the appointment for a particular attendee, click on the ellipsis menu (three vertical dots) next to the attendee and select Reschedule or Cancel Appointment as required. You can also open the contact card from this menu, mark the contact as show or no show and view the activity log.


If you are integrating your SuperCoach CRM calendar with a third party calendar, such as Google Calendar or Outlook integrated, each class booking would show separately. For example, if you have created a class booking with capacity of 5 attendees then, on the Google or Outlook calendar, they would appear as 5 separate events at the same time.

Calendar Settings


Go to Settings > Calendars > Preferences. and click on the Account Preference. There are options to change app start day, widget start day, language, and time format (12 hour or 24 hour).

Appointment Reminders


We have created an appointment reminders template workflow in your account that you can clone. Go to Automations > Workflows and search for the Appointment Reminder (Clone to Use) workflow. Click the Copy icon to clone the workflow. Update the workflow name and click Create to confirm.

You can then edit the steps and timings to suit your needs. The email and SMS have been set up with the basic information, ready for you to add more detail. You can also create appointments emails in Marketing > Emails > Templates and link them to your appointment reminders.


If you want different appointment reminders for different calendars or calendar groups, you can create a different workflow for each and change the filter in the workflow trigger. You can also filter by single appointments (normal), recurring appointments, or any.

Viewing Your Calendar


You can view appointments by clicking on Calendars > Calendars. You can see an overview and summary of appointments by clicking on Calendars > Appointments.


You can view the activity log for an appointment. Clicking on Calendars, click on the appointment, expand the More section, and select View Activity Log. You can also see appointment information in Settings > Audit Logs > Calendar Event Module.


Appointments will sync from Google to SuperCoach CRM. If you were to move an appointment in your Google calendar, this would update the appointment information in the contact appointment list.

The Support Desk is available Monday to Friday, 7:00am - 3:00pm (CDT).

If you have any questions or need support, you can chat with us clicking on the blue dot in the bottom right corner of the software or email us at [email protected].

Easter 2025: The Support Desk will be closed on Good Friday (April 18) and operating with reduced hours on April 21. The Support Desk will also be closed on Memorial Day (May 25).

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